“THE FUTURE IS IN THE PAST — NIGO’S VINTAGE ARCHIVE” will open on Wednesday, September 14 at the Bunka Gakuen Costume Museum in Tokyo. The first large-scale exhibition of its kind will showcase items from the treasured vintage collection that NIGO, a Bunka Fashion College graduate, began assembling during his teenage years. The exhibition was planned by NIGO with the aim of communicating the fun and depth of vintage fashion, as well as inspiring the next generation of fashion designers at his alma mater and throughout Japan. The selected vintage pieces are bound to fascinate fashion lovers and vintage freaks from around the world.

A range of merchandise will also be available exclusively at the exhibition, including a catalog of vintage items, printed T-shirt and other limited goods.
*Exclusive merchandises are not available for purchase at HUMAN MADE stores

Schedule: Wednesday, September 14 to Sunday, November 13, 2022
Hours: 10:00–18:00 *Open until 20:00 on Fridays; last entry 30 minutes before closing time
Closed: Mondays (except for Sep. 19, Oct. 10)
Admission: Adults 500 (400) yen, University & high school students 300 (200) yen, Elementary & junior high school students 200 (100) yen
*Free entry for people with disabilities & their carer; all prices include tax
Enquiries: +81 (0)3-3299-2211
Organizer: Educational Foundation Bunka Gakuen, Bunka Fashion College
Co-organizer: OTSUMO CO., LTD.
Cooperation: Bunka Gakuen Costume Museum, Bunka Gakuen Fashion Resource Center