“The Future is in the Past — NIGO’s VINTAGE ARCHIVE” opens on Wednesday, September 14th at the Bunka Gakuen Costume Museum in Tokyo. The first large-scale exhibition of its kind will showcase more than 500 items from the treasured vintage collection that NIGO, a Bunka Fashion College graduate, began assembling during his teenage years.

[A message from NIGO]
It is truly an honor and privilege to be able to hold an exhibition of my own personal vintage collection at Bunka Gakuen Costume Museum. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my alma mater, Bunka Fashion College, without which this would not be possible.
This campus is where I first met UNDERCOVER designer Jun Takahashi, who was in a year above me. Next year will mark 30 years since we opened a small store in Harajuku in 1993.
Since being appointed artistic director of KENZO of LVMH Group last year, I have learned of how Kenzo Takada, who is also a graduate of Bunka Fashion College and a much-respected figure on campus, continued to actively interact with students. His dedication inspired me think about what I could do to support our youth—the future leaders of the fashion industry.
The title of my exhibition, The Future is in the Past, has always been the theme for my creations.
My personal archive, remaining mostly private until now, has been the source of my craftmanship—mentoring me and being there for me through my creative journey.
The learnings I have gleaned from this collection have been applied to new creations for my label HUMAN MADE and other areas.
I hope that this exhibition can provide hints and be a source of inspiration for students and fashion aficionados alike, here in Japan and overseas.
Schedule: Wednesday, September 14 to Sunday, November 13, 2022
Hours: 10:00–18:00 *Open until 20:00 on Fridays; last entry 30 minutes before closing time
Closed: Mondays (except for Sep. 19, Oct. 10)
Admission: Adults 500 (400) yen, University & high school students 300 (200) yen, Elementary & junior high school students 200 (100) yen
*Free entry for people with disabilities & their carer; all prices include tax
Enquiries: +81(0)3-3299-2211
Organizer: Educational Foundation Bunka Gakuen, Bunka Fashion College
Co-organizer: Otsumo Co., Ltd.
Cooperation: Bunka Gakuen Costume Museum, Bunka Gakuen Fashion Resource Center